OK so I'm in Love with commericals...lol! I find myself surfing the channels only to stop and watch the commericals. I seriously enjoy commericals more than I enjoy most shows. Its even to the point where I can hear a commerical without seeing it and I know which one it is. I don't know what is it about commericals but they get my attention every time, no matter how dumb! I even buy things from commericals that I have seen, air freshener, dish detergent, food, facial cleanser, hair products, all kinds of stuff...its ridiculous. So today I told myself enough is enough! Its apparent that television has taken over my life. I then walked to the library...why I walked to the library when I have a perfectly good car is beyond me but hey I needed the exercise anyway. While in the library I came across some very interesting books but I only left with 4 being that was all I could carry and my sister didn't wanna help because she didn't want to walk in the first place. The first book is called "Till Death Do Us Part" by Dr. Robi Ludwig and Matt Birkbeck; psychological profiles of notorious killer spouses, the second book is called "Inside The Criminal Mind" by Stanton E. Samenow; perceptions into crimes in the spotlight today, from stalking and domestic violence to white-collar crime and political terrorism, the third book is called "The Cases That Haunt Us" by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker; an analysis of seven of the most notorious murders, the last book I got is called "Dead End Kids; Gang Girls and the Boys They Know" by Mark S. Fleisher; a firsthand account of a member of a Kansas City gang members life.
Now I know you all are probably thinking those are some crazy books to be reading but I did plan on getting a degree in criminal justice, I just hate sitting in a classroom listening to a teacher ramble on...its annoying, but just because I'm not enrolled in school does not mean I need to let my mind go to waste, so I try my hardest to read and keep my vocabulary up to par. Well I just wanted to share that with you all and its getting late so now I'm gonna read some of these books until I fall asleep=0]
I hope you are, I make a lot of em
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