Thursday, June 5


Here are some random facts about me*
-I'm a model obviously. lmfao
-I'm taken and lovin it!
-I like feet. lmfao. well I like my own feet a lot...
-I have a serious obsession with Kobe; he is my 2ND baby daddy(he just doesn't know yet)
-I'm conceited. but I'm getting better.
-I love Moutain Dew and Slim Jims
-I love Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, and the Girl Next Door
-I want to some day be like Hugh Heffner
-I have a compulsive disorder about washing my hands; I seriously wash my hands 20 times or more in a day. I can't help it!
-Jim Jones is my 3rd baby daddy
-I'm a Shoe Head; I go crazy for shoes. If I like them I buy them BOTTOM LINE.
-You can sucker me into just about anything for food. hehehhee
-Strawberry Cheesecake Icecream is my absolute favorite!
-I shop when I'm stressed
-I can't live without my sidekick; I almost went crazy when they cut me off b/c I forgot to pay my bill!
-I have a petting zoo at my house! I'm an animal lover! I have my dog Remi, my hamster Kirbi, the fish Sam, my sister's ferret Cookie, and a Gekko named Gek.
-My Besties include Dejahnee, Tiara, and Marchelle-I love these gurlz to death and I will do anything for them!
-I love Mary Jane like a sister. lololololol
-I have wayyyyy more male friends verses girls(bitchez are phony)
-I'm with the green party! Fuck the democrats and republicans! But I am happy for Obama:)
-I have two cell phones-why Idk
-I'd rather text that talk on the phone and I'm horrible at returning phone calls
-I'm converting to Buddhism
-I'm a party animal
-I'm scared of roaches-so if you have them please don't invite me to your house
-I'm a sex addict; its good for the soul:)
-My mom is hotter than yours!
-I kinda like Go-Go(took some time to get used to it!)
-I'm a little crazy at times, but hey we all are...
-I love tattoos- I have 6 and I'm getting at least 2 or 3 more!
-I'm a camera whore. I'm always ready for a picture. and I always have a camera:)
-I am neither a mom's girl or daddy's girl; I am a Rebel
-I love the color Pink-my celly is pink
-Beaches are a great escape for me
-I watch commericals more than actual TV. I love commercials
-I watch Cops everyday from 7-8(do not disturb me during those times!)
-I love driving; I really want to drive for Nascar
-I hate stank ass breath!
-Lasugna is my favorite food
-I love sexxxy summer dresses!
-I love purses. especially designer purses!
-I'm a Cali native:)
-I love RAP; but not that wack shit you hear on the radio
-Total Dance Queen-I could out dance your favorite dancer any day. lmfao
-Your man is my #1 fan and your bestie has me saved in her top 4. hahahahahaa