I've been having computer issues so that is why I have not been blogging much lately. I got a freakin virus on my computer and it sucks! thank goodness I have a back up laptop. Anyway I'm gonna be blogging everday again! so stay tuned:)
Friday, August 29
Wednesday, August 13
Madden 09♥♥♥
Posted by AriStar at 12:19 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 12
Looking for the perfect name for your baby girl?
Posted by AriStar at 11:59 PM 0 comments
Today I went to orientation for school and I actually enjoyed myself. I met crazy, but motivated people. All of the admissions directors and counselors are nice and very helpful, and they actually made the orientation fun and worth my time. I must admit I'm happy I went cuz I didn't want to! I think I'm really gonna like this school and I have a very good feeling about this. Stay tuned for my first day of school which is the 19th!
Posted by AriStar at 7:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 9
♥RIP Bernie Mac♥
Actor/comedian Bernie Mac passed away this morning from complications due to pneumonia in a Chicago area hospital," his publicist, Danica Smith, said in a statement from Los Angeles.
She said no other details were available and asked that his family's privacy be respected.
The comedian suffered from sarcoidosis, an inflammatory lung disease that produces tiny lumps of cells in the body's organs, but had said the condition went into remission in 2005. He recently was hospitalized and treated for pneumonia, which his publicist said was not related to the disease.
Recently, Mac's brand of comedy caught him flack when he was heckled during a surprise appearance at a July fundraiser for Democratic presidential candidate and fellow Chicagoan Barack Obama.
Toward the end of a 10-minute standup routine, Mac joked about menopause, sexual infidelity and promiscuity, and used occasional crude language. The performance earned him a rebuke from Obama's campaign.
But despite controversy or difficulties, in his words, Mac was always a performer.
"Wherever I am, I have to play," he said in 2002. "I have to put on a good show."
Mac started his comedy career at age 8, with a standup performance at a church dinner. In 1977, at age 20, he took that act to comedy clubs in Chicago.
His film career started with a small role as a club doorman in the Damon Wayans movie "Mo' Money" in 1992. Mac went on to star in the "Ocean's Eleven" franchise with Brad Pitt and George Clooney and his turn with Ashton Kutcher in 2005's "Guess Who?" — a remake of the Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn 1967 classic "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" — topped the box office.
Mac also had starring roles in "Bad Santa," "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" and "Transformers."
The comedian drew critical and popular acclaim with his Fox television series "The Bernie Mac Show," which aired more than 100 episodes from 2001 to 2006.
The series about a man's adventures raising his sister's three children, won a Peabody Award in 2002. At the time, judges wrote they chose the sitcom for transcending "race and class while lifting viewers with laughter, compassion — and cool."
The show garnered Golden Globe and Emmy nominations for Mac. He also was nominated for a Grammy award for best comedy album in 2001 along with his "The Original Kings of Comedy" co-stars, Steve Harvey, D.L. Hughley and Cedric The Entertainer.
In 2007, Mac told David Letterman on CBS' "Late Show" that he planned to retire soon.
"I'm going to still do my producing, my films, but I want to enjoy my life a little bit," Mac told Letterman. "I missed a lot of things, you know. I was a street performer for two years. I went into clubs in 1977."
Mac was born Bernard Jeffrey McCullough on Oct. 5, 1957, in Chicago. He grew up on the city's South Side, living with his mother and grandparents. His grandfather was the deacon of a Baptist church.
In his 2004 memoir, "Maybe You Never Cry Again," Mac wrote about having a poor childhood — eating bologna for dinner — and a strict, no-nonsense upbringing.
Mac's mother died of cancer when he was 16. In his book, Mac said she was a support for him and told him he would surprise everyone when he grew up.
"Woman believed in me," he wrote. "She believed in me long before I believed."
Posted by AriStar at 9:57 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 6
Monte Montez Couture Photo Shoot!!
I did a photo shoot today for Monte Montez Couture. Its a clothing straight from the DMV and its hot!!!! He has already done tons of fashion shows including a fashion show with Ed Hardy and I felt truly honored to be apart of portfolio. Below are a few pics, enjoy:)
Posted by AriStar at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 5
New Ish...

Posted by AriStar at 6:26 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 1
August Already!?!? Damn...
I can't believe its already August! I feel like this year has flew by!!! But what I really can't believe that i'm actually going back to school, and yes this is the third time so hopefully my dumb ass will get it right this time. lmfao. Other than that life has been pretty damn good. I have several projects coming up that I'm pressed about and i have been chillin with old friends again or i guess you could say my real friends. lmfao.
Anyway, my birthday is in 2months and this year I'm going all out, I wanted to have a big party at a club for my 21st but I didn't. So I think that's what i'm gonna do this year, except Im gonna party for a whole week! I'm gonna start on a Tuesday and keep it going till Sunday! I want this one to be unforgettable, being that my bday was ruined last year! I can't wait! Any venue suggestions?
That's all for now, just felt like updating you all. lololol. Oh yeah, before I forget, I will be updating my page sometime this weekend if I have time! New layout and music! Have a wonderful weekend!
Posted by AriStar at 11:37 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 29
Back to School...
So I'm finally getting back in school. yes, once again I will be attending school...we'll see how this goes.lololol. But I'm actually kinda excited. I feel like I have wasted alot of brain cells over the past year so school is definitely a good thing. So starting Aug 18 I will be going to school at Everest College for medical assistance. Now I know some of you are wondering how I decided to go from criminal justice to medical assistance but its simply because the demand for medical assistance in higher than ever right now and there is always gonna be a need for them. If you think about it, people are always gonna be sick, you never hear about doctors and nurses getting laid off. Plus its a good school and its only 8months. I went for my tour yesterday and I was satisfied with what I saw, plus two of my homegirls go there so I won't feel lonely. lmfao. Anyways, I'm excited and I just wanted to share the news:)
Posted by AriStar at 4:18 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 24
What is a Whore?
I'm tired of niggas calling girls whores. I think we have forgotten the true defintion of a whore.
A whore is a woman who engages in sexual acts for money or a promiscuous, immoral woman.
Now that I have given yall the definition I want to put my two sense in on the topic. I don't see anything wrong with a woman having sex with a man she is not in a relationship with as long as she is not in a relationship herself and he is not in a relationship, and as long as she is not sleeping with a different guy every night or sucking every dick she sees what's the problem? Nowadays a relationship is a foreign language to most men anyway so why not have some fun? Why is it that a man can sleep with a different woman every night and not be considered a whore? Why is it that a man can sleep with 2 girls in the same night and niggas phrase him but if a female says she had sex with 2 different dudes in the same night she is a whore? Now that may not be the best thing for a female to run around saying but how does that make her a whore? If she is happy with what she is doing then let her do her. I don't know, maybe I just don't get it...
Posted by AriStar at 10:29 AM 2 comments
Modeling Flick
I don't show yall too much of my modeling side for copyright purposes but here is an edited picture that was used for a mixtape cover. I was excited, and I love this picture, its so freakin fly! lol
Posted by AriStar at 9:58 AM 1 comments
Advice For The Day...
Here's a little advice a friend gave me today and she aint never lied!!!!
1. Don't be afraid to express yourself. Being open is being real. Whether its being open sexually, emotionally, etc...DO YOU. Don't hide who you are. And don't change who you are for anyone.
2. If you got it, flaunt it.But please, be CLASSY about it!
3. There's a difference between being conceited and confident. Check the definitions and know your role, jabroni....lol.
4. Being patient is a great quality, however, if your gut tells you its not going anywhere, and you feel like your waiting for nothing....trust your gut.
5. Be cautious of those you call friends. Everyone has a hidden agenda. Whether its to come between you and another friend, to become you, or to ruin what you have with someone. There are still some people 25 and over who have that high school mentality (SMH). Keep your personal biz tight, to yourself, or between you and the other party.Don't put it on blast if you don't wanna be on blast
Posted by AriStar at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22
I haven't had much to talk about lately, but i'm bored right now so I figured I'd write a blog. Now where to start?? Oh yeah, Ivey's bday was nice but I had to leave cuz my sis was sick and I had to take her to the hospital, and in a way I'm happy I had to leave cuz there were some folks there that I am not to found of. But that's beside the point, my weekend was good...I didn't do much but lounge and I saw the new Batman movie which was off the chain! Other than that I've been chilling just trying to stay cool in this outrageous heat! I hate the heat, I seriously would rather be cold than hot! I dunno what I'm doing this weekend but I may just chill again, I don't really feel like doing much. Oh yeah and I found out I have a fake on myspace. lmfao. Yes, someone actually stole some pictures and is using them for their own personal profile. I couldn't do shit but chukkle, cuz I'm not even famous yet and I got Bitches wanting to be me. hahahhahaha. I'm so good:)
Posted by AriStar at 7:02 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 18
Its been a min...
So I've been very busy lately, so I haven't been writing very many blogs. But I'm back at it like a crack addict. lmfao. But life is good, I've been chilling, trying to find a new job and of course partying. Tonight is gonna be fun because we are celebrating my homegirls bday! There will be pictures come Monday lmfao.
Anyway, I have seriously been considering moving to Georgia with my mom. I feel like I'm stuck in the same spot that I was in when I graduated high school. The only difference is I have a lot more bills and I have my own place. Other than that nothing has really changed, and I'm in desperate need of a change in scenery. I know my mom would be more than happy about me moving down, I just have to make sure that's what I really wanna do cuz once i'm there, there is no turning back. I really wouldn't mind moving to DC and I'm actually apartment and job hunting now. Just gotta wait and see what happens, but just know once my lease is up, I will be some where new, and I can't wait!!!
I'm so happy I'm at home chillin cuz its such a nice day out, the homies are bout to come thru and I'm pressed about this weekend cuz I know its gonna be a wild one. Not only are we celebrating tonight but we are probably gonna hit club h20 tomorrow and i'm sure that's gonna be a wild night!!!! Stay tuned for some pics. lol
Posted by AriStar at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 16
Thursday, July 10
Funny Bitches...
Aint it funny how people change or at least act like they've changed? I'm so tired of Bitches acting like they shit don't stink or like they are some sort of fucking saint. I'm tired of hearing all this he say she say, I'm tired of the gossip, I'm tired of knowing other folks business and I don't know them or fuck with them, I'm tired of all the drama(I'm not involed in any but I know few people who are right now) and I'm tired of these fake bitches conversating with me only to wait till I walk away to talk shit! It trips me out how people know you don't fuck with them and they still wanna be all in your face and in your circle. It also trips out how Bitches just seem to love negative drama infested attention. I have seriously know some people who can't live without drama and I just don't get it. Is your life is that boring or fucked up to the point where u gotta find out info about other people just to gossip. If so, you seriously need to sit down and rethink your life. I know a lot of people and I also know a lot of unnecessary business, but I don't go running my mouth every chance I get and if I do have something to say please believe I will address that person! Never in my life have I ever been surrounded by such back stabbing people. I thought Cali was bad but it aint shit compared to these loser ass mofos out here. The shit is crazy, everyday one of my homegurls call me with a problem they are having and I try my hardest to give them good advice but its like damn girl aint you tired of this shit yet? I'm so happy I don't have those problems anymore. You just have to learn to cut certain people out and learn to keep your mouth shut! Life is too short to continusly deal with negativty and drama, just live your life and do you. Here's a note my homegurl wrote and I think she got everything on point!
Sistah's Let's Stop Hatin On Each Other...
Ok...so I walk in and you see me. You see that my hair is done, my outfit is fierce and I carry myself like a lady. I smile at you but you roll your eyes at me, then, turn your head and whisper something to your girl.
Why you hatin'?
Ok... so maybe I'm a new employee and this is my first day at work. I almost thought I would be the only sista in the joint until someone introduced us to each other. I smile and extend my hand, happy to know I won't be here alone. You smile and shake my hand but there's insincerity in your eyes and your hand is limp. You seem guarded.
What's wrong Ma'?
Ok ...so maybe my man and I have been having problems. And since you've been my best friend for years I confide in you that I think he's cheating on me. You offer your support. Until I find out that he's been cheating on me....with you! Why would you hurt me like that?
I found your knife, girl.....it's in my back!
As women we battle daily. We battle keeping our families together, keeping our men happy and maintaining our presence in the workforce.With all that battling going on why in the world should we have to battle each other?
Now I'm not saying every sistah has a knife...but some of you do....and you know who you are. Why is it that a woman can't get her glamour on without you having a problem? Why can't I get a blonde weave without you having something to say?If I'm working myself to death in the office trying to climb the corporate ladder...why am I suddenly a sellout?If I leave the room for a minute why can't I trust you around my man?Smiling in my face, but gossiping all my personal business behind my back? You now have permission to consider yourself triflin'!
Inferiority Complex. It makes us feel that in order to be someone special we have to put everyone else beneath us. Are we so insecure in ourselves that we can't feel good until we pull someone else down?
There's something wrong here. We've come to envy those who've accomplished in their lives what we've only dreamed of having for ourselves. And when we fear we will never be able to get what we want- we steal it.There is a serious self-worth issue going on here. We're in a day and age where we should be encouraging each other and holding each other up.
Sisterhood should not end when Oprah goes off. Truth be told, there will always be someone prettier, sexier, stronger, and smarter. I'm sorry Boo - that's just the way it is. But that's ok.....just do you!
I don't care how good Beyonce' looks - if she walks into the same room I'm in, it doesn't make me any less of the diva I already am! I love admiring hairstyles...but there's no need to be jealous. Honey, nowadays there's enough hair for err-body.
I have goals in life. There are things I strive to attain. Yet I seek out successful sisters because they keep me motivated.
Life is so much more than who looks the best, who dresses the best and who makes more money. So when you see your sister going for hers let it inspire you .... To do you.
Posted by AriStar at 4:14 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 8
Welcome To DC!
I love this song! So when i saw the video for it on VH1 Soul I told myself I was gonna right a blog about it because its one of the best GO-GO videos ever made! It doesn't look low budget and the song rocks! Plus they filmed the whole video in DC! Shout-outs to the homie Billy Da Kid, he is the cop in the video!
Posted by AriStar at 3:50 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 7
4th of July
My 4th of July was the best! I went to SC with all my family and we had soooo much fun! My family went all out this year, we had a moon bounce, snow cone machine, popcorn machine and it was catered with a full bar complete with a bartender. I got to see all my cousins who live far and I even saw some long lost cousins! lololol. We also had a shit load of fire works! We even had the kids doing relay races for prizes. It was a Rosco Jenkins Family Reunion lmfao. I can honestly say the family reunions get better every year! and of course, you know the older cousins went out and partied and man did we party! This year everyone is finally old enough so no one got left out! Grown and Sexxy. lolol Anyway, I hope you all had a wonderful 4th cuz I know I did. Below are some pics. Enjoy:)
Posted by AriStar at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 1
$25,000 Dessert
First of all, who in their right mind would pay $25,000 for dessert? Even if I had the money I would NOT spend $25,000 on no damn dessert. You could buy a house, a car, whatever! But you decide to spend it on some chocolate...
Posted by AriStar at 12:13 PM 3 comments
I feel like all I do is work, work, and more work. And I'm sick of the shit! I'm tired of working every day for what seems like absolutely nothing. I mean I know I work to pay bills and to provide for my sister but the shit is getting old. I feel like I'm stuck in a whole and I can't get out or like I'm in car but not fucking moving. I want to try all kinds of things and do the unthinkable, but how can this be done when I'm held back because of a lack of funds. For example, how the fuck am I supposed to pay for school when I got bills out the ass just for living. Schools want thousands of dollars just for you to learn but they don't give a fuck about what you got going on at home until you can't pay your fucking tuition. Don't get me wrong I love my life but I don't like what my life intales. I need a change, I don't know if it will be as simple as getting a new job or if I will be moving away from here, but something needs to happen because I'm driving myself crazy. What really kills me is they keep raising the cost of living and gas but a mofo aint getting a raise. How am I supposed to survive? I know I have managed to make it work for this long but its like what am I supposed to do? Hustle? I've been there and done that and that has just made my life worst. I know it doesn't help that I live in one of the most expensive counties in the world but this is all I know right now. I came here 6 or 7 years ago and this is all I know. I've never been in one place this long and I don't want to have to start over. I know that sounds dumb and maybe a bit childish but I've moved around my whole life so now that I'm finally settled its gonna suck ass to have to do it all over again. I'm not gonna lie I do wanna get the fuck away from here but it has become my home.
Posted by AriStar at 9:55 AM 0 comments
According to the tracker on my page people from all over the globe come here and read my blogs. I must say I'm flattered but I would like it even better if you all left feedback. I love feedback, comments, thoughts, opinions, concerns...whatever just let me know you were here! Don't be a stranger, let your presence be known!
Posted by AriStar at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 29
Behind The Scenes of "The Weekend"
All I can say is WOW. I'm more than excited that I was apart of this movie! I had soooo much fun and met sooooo many people! But I will say that shooting a movie is very exhausting. I swear we shot each scene 5 times each or more. Plus it was hot and we were drinking alcohol which I'm sure did not help! lololol. Overall it was a good experience for me and I can't wait to do more, I never thought I would head in that direction but if another opportunity comes up I'm definitely gonna take it! Here are a few photos, enjoy:)
Posted by AriStar at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 25
BET Awards
Chris Brown and Ciara were gettin it!!! They made me wanna take some one down...OMG!!! I loved his performance! But, I'm mad Rhinanna was not dancing with him, they showed her watching from the crowd looking blown. lmfao

Posted by AriStar at 8:50 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 24
Talking About KOBE Gets You Know Where!
Shaquille O'Neal will lose his special deputy’s badge in Maricopa County Kobe Bryant.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said the Phoenix Suns center’s use of a racially derogatory word and other foul language left him no choice. Arpaio made Shaq a special deputy in 2006 and promoted him to colonel of his largely ceremonial posse later that year.
“I want his two badges back,” Arpaio told The Associated Press on Tuesday. “Because if any one of my deputies did something like this, they’re fired. I don’t condone this type of racial conduct.”
Shaq was seen in a video posted on the celebrity news and gossip Web site TMZ.com rapping that “Kobe couldn't do without me.” O’Neal skewers the Lakers’ star, with whom he won three straight NBA titles from 2000-2002 while with Los Angeles, for not being able to win a championship without him.
“I was freestyling. That’s all. It was all done in fun. Nothing serious whatsoever,” O’Neal told ESPN.com Monday. A call to the Suns on Tuesday seeking comment from O’Neal was referred to his public relations firm, which didn’t immediately respond.
Arpaio, who describes himself as “America’s Toughest Sheriff” and is best known for feeding jail inmates green bologna, clothing them in pink underwear, and making them work on chain gangs, said he didn’t expect his actions would teach Shaq a lesson. But he hoped he learns that as a role model who wants to someday be a full-time sheriff, he needs to know his words matter.
“Maybe I’m old fashioned, but I don’t think that either conduct should be out there publicly, even if media wasn’t there,” Arpaio said.
O’Neal previously served as a reserve officer with the Miami Beach Police Department while playing for the Miami Heat. He also volunteered with the Tempe Police Department after being traded to the Suns in February.
Posted by AriStar at 8:10 PM 0 comments
GO KOBE!!!!!!!!!!
MVP Kobe Bryant has a shot at another big prize after falling short of the NBA championship, and he’ll have plenty of help along the way. LeBron James is there. Dwyane Wade, too.
They will lead a U.S. Olympic basketball team that was announced Monday and hopes to capture the gold medal in Beijing in August after a third-place showing in Athens four years ago. The team already has “re-established itself” on an international level, USA Basketball managing director Jerry Colangelo said during a news conference. The next step is to bring home the gold, and the U.S. will send a deep, versatile team to China. Carmelo Anthony and Jason Kidd were also among the 12 players chosen from a pool of 33. They were joined by the Detroit Pistons' Tayshaun Prince, along with Carlos Boozer, Chris Bosh, Dwight Howard, Chris Paul, Michael Redd and Deron Williams.
Posted by AriStar at 12:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 23
My First Movie!!!
So I'm really excited right now, because the producer of the movie "The Weekend" just asked me to be in it!!!!! Its the first urban comedy to be shot in DC!!!!! Here is a little about the movie.
This urban comedy classic is set in the nation's Capital, delivers everything except a dull moment. On one of the biggest weekends in the city, Twan finds himself between a rock and a hard place when he promises to spend quality time with his girlfriend Niesha. The tables are turned when Niesha regrets holding Twan to his promise and Twasn's friend Billy Da Kid helps cover up Twans mess with gut wrenching laughs!
The role I will be playing is a character named Iceey and she is baddd:) The scene I'm in will be at a club during a Pajama Jam party where I will be trying to persuade Twan to leave with me verses his girlfriend Niesha. (which shouldn't be hard for me to do. lmfao) Its not a big role but I'm excited to be in the movie, because instead of me submitting myself, I was personally invited:) Your girl is moving up in the world!!!!
All girls who want to be part of the pajama jam scene let me know because they still need fillers!
Posted by AriStar at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Llyod ft. Lil Wayne-Girls Around The World
OK I know I said Bust it Baby was my favorite video, but this song rocks!!!! The song has been out for a while and I was waiting for them to make a video and I must say I'm pressed!!!!! I love this video and I think its my new favorite joint!!!! Watch and Enjoy:)
Posted by AriStar at 11:40 AM 1 comments
Sunday, June 22
Weekend Recap:)
My weekend was wonderful! I started my weekend with a girls night out at Zanizabar and mannnnn was it fun! I don't think there has ever really been a time where we went out and didn't enjoy ourselves. I take that back there was a time, lmfao...but I won't discuss it. Neway, Zanzibar was packed and I had a blast! We partied hard that night, as a matter a fact my legs still hurt. lololololol and you already know I took tons of pictures!!!! Saturday I ran errands all day, like seriously I was up at 8...mind you I didn't get in the house until 4. So once I got finished doing all that I ate and slept for the rest of the day. i had plans to go out but I was sooooo tired I ended up staying in. I woke up at 10 like damn I really did sleep all day. I did watch Superbad for the first time and I must say if you have not seen that movie you need to go get it. It was the funniest movie ever, I was laughing so hard I was crying!!!!! Today I'm just chilling in the house, I might go out to DC in a little while to go so my homegurl but I dunno. I'm feeling really lazy. I think I'm just gonna prepare myself for work tomorrow. Well that's all folkz I'm going back to doing nothing:)
Posted by AriStar at 2:41 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 20
Just a couple of videos I found hilarious at work. I don't have much to do today so I've been surfing the net all day! It sucks but hey, some body's gotta do it. lolol Watch and Enjoy!
Stripper Falls!!!!!
hahahahahaahaha! what an idiot!!!! First off she definitely is not phat( pretty hot and tempting) enough to be a stripper. Secondly, maybe she needs to practice her moves before going in front of an audience, and lastly how old is this girl? She looks young as hell! where are her parents?????
Teacher Destroy's A Student's Laptop!!!!!
Personally, there is no way any teacher would have did this to me. I would have jumped across that table so fast he wouldn't have known what to do with himself, and since when do they allow teachers to smash laptops up anyway? I wonder if he is still a teacher and if so, where does he teach cuz I don't want to be a student at that school!!!!!
Teacher Fights Student!!!!
OK, someone needs to beat both their ass's. They need to smack the teacher because you don't put your hands on a student ever, but obviously this child needs to be smacked for acting up in school. I don't know who started this fight but i found it amusing!
Posted by AriStar at 2:51 PM 1 comments
Have You Ever Had Thoughts About Destorying Your Office?
Sometimes I really wanna just blow up my office because I hate working! So I'm posting this video because it reminds me of the things that go threw my head on occasions at work, plus its funny!
Posted by AriStar at 2:43 PM 0 comments
Soulja Boy Responds to Ice T
First of Ice T is ignorant for the statement he made, only because Soulja Boy is a youngin. But I do believe Soulja Boy and others have killed hip hop. All these rappers keep coming out with this trash they call music but I can't be but so mad because its what the people want to hear. Below is Soulja Boy's response and you can hear Ice T's comments at the beginning.
Posted by AriStar at 2:30 PM 0 comments
Woman found dead in her own home after 42years!
This is the craziest story I think I've ever hear in my life and I had to share it with you all because I don't understand. Please read below.
THE remains of a woman have been found sitting in front of her TV - 42 years after she was reported missing. Hedviga Golik, who was born in 1924, had apparently made herself a cup of tea before sitting in her favourite armchair in front of her black and white television.
Croatian police said she was last seen by neighbours in 1966, when she would have been 42 years old. Her neighbours thought she had moved out of her flat in the capital, Zagreb.
But she was found by police and bailiffs who had broken in to help the authorities establish who owned the flat.
A police spokesman said: "So far, we have no idea how it is possible that someone officially reported missing so long ago was not found before in the same apartment she used to live in.
"When officers went there, they said it was like stepping into a place frozen in time.
"The cup she had been drinking tea from was still on a table next to the chair she had been sitting in and the house was full of things no one had seen for decades. Nothing had been disturbed for decades, even though there were more than a few cobwebs in there."
Neighbours were shocked by the discovery.Jadranka Markic was nine when Hedviga "vanished".
She said: "I still remember her. She was a quiet woman who kept herself to herself but was polite. We all thought that she had just moved out and gone to live with relatives."
Now, how in the hell did this happen??? I just don't get it. Where is her family and no one realized her mail was piling up? this story is seriously bizarre to me. Her bills obviously weren't being paid so how is it that no one thought to go inside and check it out??
Posted by AriStar at 1:37 PM 0 comments
Midget Mac Is Back!!!!!
I'm sure most of you remember Midget Mac from I Love New York, we'll he's back! Along with Chance, his brother, Mr. Boston and a couple of other guys from the show(I Love NY), Hoopz and some of the other girls from Flava of Love. I can't wait to watch this new show. Its called I Love Money and its gonna be on Vh1. I'm sure its gonna be hilarious because from this sneak preview I was cracking up!
Posted by AriStar at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 19
Tila Tequila
Do you ever find being bisexual to be totally exhausting?
Not really. People have a misconception that just because you’re bisexual, you’re turned on by everyone everywhere you go. That’s totally not true. I think it’s more fun being bisexual, because sometimes you want to get away from guys. And then you go back to girls and you get something totally new and different. Then, after a while, that gets boring, so you go back. It’s always nice to have so many options.
What about the people who say you’re not really bisexual—that you’re hetero and just pretending for the show? Care to set the record, uh, straight?
They can suck my dick.
Talk about sexual ambiguity!If you’re faking bisexuality, then you’d be one of those Girls Gone Wild girls.
I’m not one of those fake ones. I have real emotions for people, whether they’re male or female. So whoever said that shows me that they’re really ignorant, and it makes me cringe. It’s like saying, “Hey, you’re not really Vietnamese, you’re just trying to be.” How do you answer that?
How did you get your name? I’m assuming you don’t come from a long line of Vietnamese Tequilas.
Well, my name is Tila, but I got “Tequila” when I was 13. I was hanging with a bunch of friends, we drank tequila for the first time and I puked all over the place. I was really embarrassed, and the next day at school everybody had heard about it. They were winking and laughing and started calling me Tila Tequila. The name kind of stuck with me ever since. It’s got a catchy ring to it, you know?
Good thing you were drinking tequila. Tila Jägermeister or Tila Peach Schnapps doesn’t have quite the same ring.
Yeah, exactly. Or Tila Buttery Nipple.
Wait, that one actually works. You’ve also called yourself “the baddest bitch on the block.” Have you always been so naughty?
When I was younger, I was foolish and would rob houses and stupid things like that, but I’ve paid my dues. They actually sent me away to a correctional facility for bad kids. They put us on those small, special school buses, the short ones. They put you on a point list: You start off in level one, and it’s like prison. You can’t eat the good food, you have to sit isolated, by yourself. And as you do well in class and get along with other students, then you move to level two.
Were there any girl-on-girl prison brawls?
There was a Mexican gang and a black gang, and I was the only Asian. But I got along with everyone there, except for two people who threatened to blow my head off. But good thing I had my own people to back me up! Thank God I got out of there, because then I went back to my regular school and everyone was so scared of me.
But you’re only 4-foot-11! How could anyone be scared of someone so cute and tiny?
I think that’s where all the rage comes from. You always feel like you gotta watch your back and protect yourself. It’s the “little man syndrome.” You can be big, but when you see someone else who’s smaller than you and they’re insanely psychotic, you’re like, “Holy shit, this bitch is crazy! She’s gonna fucking kill me.”
Damn, you’re scary! But you still have a lot of friends—over 3 million, in fact, on MySpace. You must get an ass load of free-ringtone offers.
[Laughs] Yeah, I definitely get a lot of free ringtones to download. It’s really cool to be the biggest girl on the biggest social network out there today.
How can a guy get a lady’s attention on MySpace? I got a message the other day that said, “I’d like to tap you’re ass,” which is both grammatically incorrect and gross. Would that work on you?
Hell no! I don’t even go out with someone who talks to me like that in real life. If you want to get someone’s attention, have some class. Don’t be like every other sheep out there. Think of something creative, new, interesting and intelligent, or be witty at least. Make me laugh. Don’t be a caveman.
You dance on a pole in the video for your song “Stripper Friends.” How’d you perfect the pole dance?
When I was 18 and still in high school, I was a stripper for a while, because I was trying to save up money to move to Hollywood to become this bisexual Hollywood starlet that I am today. And now I have a pole at my house, because it’s a good workout, and I hate working out at the gym. You practice with your girlfriends, pump up the music and have some fun.
When you were stripping, did you ever have any awkward run-ins with high-school teachers?
I invited my history teacher, who was also the football coach, and I had a big crush on him. I told him that he needed to come visit me and that I wouldn’t tell anybody. He was very tempted, I’m sure, but he never did show up.
LMFAO. This girl is obviously crazy and I know its weird but I love her. Her attitude is so down to earth, and when asked a question she answers with a real answer. She has no shame in her game and I'm not gonna lie she is pretty freakin hot!

Posted by AriStar at 4:24 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 18

I love Plies:)
Below is my favorite song! I seriously love this song! Watch and Enjoy!
Posted by AriStar at 8:24 PM 1 comments
Lil Wayne Sets New Record!
Lil Wayne's Tha Carter III becomes the first album in more than three years to sell a million copies in a week. The opus sold 1,006,000 copies to debut at #1 on Nielsen/SoundScan's list of the best-selling albums in the U.S. That's the biggest sales week since another rap album, 50 Cent's The Massacre, bowed at #1 in March 2005 with sales of 1,141,000.
I told yall before he was one of the greatest rappers and I'm telling yall again Lil Wayne is one of the best rappers! I love this guy!!!!
Posted by AriStar at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17
Well...for those of you who must know, my name came from the front of an album cover. I don't know which artist it was, but I do know it was my mom's favorite artist and that artist was on Arista records. Yes its a record company and no my parents are not associated with them in any shape or form. They liked Arista so that's what they named me. lmfao
Posted by AriStar at 5:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 16
My Tattoos-Inspired by Raw Dawg Buffalo
I have 6 tattoos. My love for tattoos is like my lovve for KOBE. I don't know what it is but I'm addicted. I want more. I just don't know what yet. Oh yeah before I forget, I don't have a picture of the daisies on my back. so one of my tattoos is missing...lol.
This is my favorite tattoo out of all 6. Its the word "Love", located on my right foot. I got this tattoo for my love Greg.
Located on my stomach this tattoo seems to be every one's favorite. Idk why, but it is. Its an "A" for Arista. Obviously. lmfao
My Eagle! Located on my right side, this tattoo stands for freedom. I'm a free spirit and I do what the fuck I wanna do. I lovve this tattoo and its my second favorite.
Its the Libra baby. lololol. Located on my right wrist this tattoo means Libra in Arabic. and before you say, are you sure that's what it means...i had an Egyptian guy read it to me. So yes, my tatt means exactly what I tell you!
This is my dragon. Located on my left leg. Its purpose was a best friend tatt, but unfortunately me and her are not friends anymore. I still love the tattoo and I may get something added to it!
Posted by AriStar at 6:45 PM 0 comments
..::Kobe Bryant #24::..
Kobe Jumps Snakes
Kobe jumps a car
Kobe Bryant Strips Paul Pierce and Finishes With an Emphatic Dunk
Kobe Bryant Fakes Out Ray Allen and Hits a Leaning Jumper
Posted by AriStar at 6:25 PM 2 comments

Eva looks so vibrant in this dress; it makes her look as if she is glowing. I love the color and I love the style. This is another dress that could be worn to prom, homecoming, an award ceremony or some sort of banquet.
Kim Kardashian is know for her sexy dresses. I like this dress because it doesn't show too much. A typical dress like this would show too much cleavage but this one shows just enough, so that it could be worn to several different occasions. Its sexy with a hint of class. Plus the color is very pretty!
I don't typical like dresses like this but the design of this dress is amazing. The details are crazy and the color is on point. Plus she wore the hell out of this dress.

I like this dress because its different and most people wouldn't dare to wear it. But I think its Hot and it could definitely be worn on several different occasions.
Posted by AriStar at 12:42 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 13
I'm very disappointed with the Lakers right now. Their loss last night was some bullshit. How the fuck do you lose a game when you are up 24 points in the 4th quarter. This shit makes absolutely NO sense. I'm so mad I'm at a loss of words. I just wanna smack the shit out of each player on the team because they seriously gave away a game!
Posted by AriStar at 9:58 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 10
~New Chapter~
I guess you can say I have started a new chapter in my life. So I have a couple of things that I'd like to share. First off I want to Congratulate my sister on getting accepting into The University of Baltimore where she will be studying forensics(they have the best forensics program in the US). I'm proud of you lil sis you will be doing big things in your life!
I'm excited to say that I'm moving up in the model world. I'm not only hosting parties but I have people literally throwing photo shoots at me for their companies. I have several projects coming up including a photo shoot this Saturday that I can't wait to do! and its crazy because when I first started I had to submit myself for everything; now they hit me up asking me for availability and prices! (and it don't get no better than that.) Yesssss a nigga is getting paid! Fuckk working for free! I even have all the local DMV artist trying to get me to be in their videos. Which for a small fee might work.
But neways off that shit. I can officially say I'm done with the past and I'm not looking back. I'm not gonna lie certain events had me fucked up and even made me cry, and I used to wish certain shit didn't happen but now that I look back I'm like damn was it really worth it? I know I have done some fucked up things, got rid of some friends, and changed for the better but that's just apart of growing up. If it were meant to be it would be; and not only that I'm happy I have mad new friends, expanded my horizons, and gotten closer to old friends. I'm also happy cuz I'm drama free and doing me. Yeah, I still party but not as much(unless I'm getting paid or its all inclusive). I still smoke(that's never gonna change) and yep I still drink but you know what...that's me and when I'm ready to stop I will. But until then I'm gonna live my life like everyday is my last because you never know when you are gonna stop breathing.
I know I have told you all in previous bloggs that this is the happiest I've been in a long time and it truly is. Never have I felt so loved, wanted and appreciated. I couldn't be any happier. I have my family and true friends on my side. What else could a girl possibly want?
Posted by AriStar at 12:15 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 9
Welterweight champ Floyd Mayweather Jr. retires
Although Floyd Mayweather Jr. has retired at least twice before, boxing's pound-for-pound king says he's really taking off his crown this time. Mayweather abruptly retired Friday at the peak of his athletic skill and earning power, releasing a six-paragraph letter in which the unbeaten five-division champion said he no longer feels the passion that propelled him to the top of the family business.
Mayweather, a 31-year-old former Olympic bronze medalist, is calling it quits at the close of a remarkable 18-month stretch in which he beat Oscar De La Hoya and Ricky Hatton, made more than $50 million in the ring and became a bankable celebrity outside it.
"This decision was not an easy one for me to make, as boxing is all I have done since I was a child," said Mayweather, the son and nephew of three former fighters who all became top trainers. "However, these past few years have been extremely difficult for me to find the desire and joy to continue in the sport."
The WBC welterweight champ (39-0, 25 KOs) hasn't fought since knocking out Hatton last December, but was widely expected to take on De La Hoya in September in a rematch of their May 2007 bout, the richest fight in boxing history. Instead, Mayweather's retirement clears De La Hoya's schedule and opens a vacancy at the top of boxing just when it's undergoing a revival built partly on Mayweather's brilliance and showmanship.
Mayweather also made less-convincing retirement announcements after each of his last three bouts, but his letter somberly described his reasons to "permanently retire from boxing."
"I loved competing and winning and also wanted to continue my career for the fans, knowing they were there for me and enjoyed watching me fight," Mayweather said. "However, after many sleepless nights and intense soul-searching, I realized I could no longer base my decision on anything but my own personal happiness, which I no longer could find."
Though Mayweather cashed two huge paychecks in 2007, he has lately seemed much more interested in fame than fighting. In the last few years, he evolved from the endearingly cocky "Pretty Boy" to the wealth-obsessed "Money May" who was estranged from his father, De La Hoya trainer Floyd Sr., and uninterested in all but the most lucrative bouts.
In the past year alone, Mayweather has appeared on "Dancing With the Stars," worked on his record label, served as the honorary starter at the Indianapolis 500 and entered the wrestling ring for a choreographed tussle with the 440-pound "Big Show" at WrestleMania in Orlando, winning what's currently his final fight with a set of brass knuckles.
"Floyd was a very talented fighter, no question about it, but he got to a particular point where it was just for the money," said Bob Arum, Mayweather's longtime promoter with Top Rank before the boxer began promoting his own career. "Which is all right, it's a professional sport, but there's nothing wrong with his decision. It's a rational decision."
Though fans and promoters have clamored for Mayweather to take on unbeaten welterweight Miguel Cotto or another top competitor in perhaps boxing's deepest division, Mayweather had repeatedly dismissed the idea. Instead, he was in talks for another fight with De La Hoya, whose own career-ending plans will be altered.
"There comes a time when money doesn't matter," Mayweather said. "I just can't do it any more. I have found a peace with my decision that I have not felt in a long time."
De La Hoya had hoped to fight Mayweather and perhaps Cotto this year before turning full-time to his lucrative career in charge of Golden Boy Promotions.
"I am surprised a bit about the timing of it, but if he decides he wants to retire, that is his right," Golden Boy CEO Richard Schaefer told The Associated Press. "We did not announce that fight (between Mayweather and De La Hoya), so I can't really say that something fell apart. Floyd was certainly the name that we were focusing on for a September fight, so now we will go down the list and find, I'm sure, other names that will ensure a megafight."
Schaefer confirmed De La Hoya still intends to fight Sept. 20. Several welterweights will jockey for the chance to meet him in a guaranteed big payday, while every big name in boxing's middle weight classes from Hatton to Manny Pacquiao also could get in the mix.
Mayweather rose swiftly through the sport after his solid effort in the Atlanta Games. With peerless hand speed, superb athleticism and a grinning swagger, Mayweather won his first title at 130 pounds in October 1998, upsetting Genaro Hernandez.
He grabbed a lightweight crown in 2002 with back-to-back wins over Jose Luis Castillo, and he beat Arturo Gatti in June 2005 for the light welterweight title. Mayweather then won the IBF welterweight belt by beating Zab Judah in April 2006, and he added a light middleweight crown against De La Hoya last year.
"I am sorry I have to leave the sport at this time, knowing I still have my God-given abilities to succeed and future multi-million dollar paydays ahead, including the one right around the corner," Mayweather said.
Arum, who fostered Mayweather's development into a dominant champion before their acrimonious split, knows many fans still won't believe Mayweather is truly finished.
"You never know, but I will say the language was different this time," Arum said. "This time the language sounds like he might be done for good. ... I can hardly blame him (for retiring). We should commend him for what he's done. He's retiring at the height. Is there anything greater than that?"
Posted by AriStar at 2:52 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 6
Thursday, June 5
Posted by AriStar at 4:38 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 4
The World's Most Expensive Luxury Real Estate
Take a look around the world at what $1.5 million buys in 20 of the world's most expensive housing markets.

A housing boom began in Central London in September, 2005, and continued through 2007, as wealthy buyers flowed in from around the world. The annualized growth for prime real estate is slowing this year and is expected to weaken further. But the super-luxury segment remains incredibly strong. Sales for £10 million-plus homes in Belgravia, Chelsea, Knightsbridge, and Mayfair increased by 190% in the six months ending January, 2008, compared with the same period a year earlier.
* The annual price change compares the fourth quarter of 2007 with the fourth quarter of 2006.
2. Monaco Price: $5,888 per sq. ft.What you get for $1.5 million: Studio apartmentAnnual price change: 25%
It's not just the casinos, beautiful people, and staggering views of the Mediterranean that have made Monaco a popular home for the world's wealthiest buyers. The real appeal is that its residents don't pay income tax.
3. St. Jean Cap Ferrat (France)Price: $5,853 per sq. ft.What you get for $1.5 million: Small studio apartmentAnnual price change: 39%
St. Jean Cap Ferrat on the French Riviera continues to be popular with European aristocracy and the super-rich, such as billionaire Paul Allen, who enjoy the gorgeous beaches and warm weather.
Like to ski and shop? This resort town high in the Savoie region of the French Alps is favored by the Russian elite and is known for expensive hostelries such as the Hotel Le Lana, fashion boutiques, and wild parties.
5. Hong Kong Price: $4,507 per sq. ft.What you get for $1.5 million: Studio apartmentAnnual price change: 21%
Hong Kong's real estate market has been driven by China's strong economic growth. Despite limited space, real estate demand on the island has started to slow, and prices are softening as the effects of the U.S. credit squeeze spread.
6. Manhattan Price: $4,320 per sq. ft.What you get for $1.5 million: Studio apartmentAnnual price change: 25%
At the high end, Manhattan continues to boom even as the credit crunch deepens. In fact, in the first quarter of 2008 average prices were up 19% and the price per square foot was up 16%, according to the Corcoran Group. There are several reasons: First, the city has been shielded from the subprime crisis, largely because its co-ops and condos are well out of reach of most buyers with poor credit and shaky finances. Second, it remains a popular destination for movers and shakers in the financial, entertainment, and media world. Last, because of the weak dollar it is more affordable than ever for wealthy foreigners looking for a Manhattan pied-à-terre.
7. Cortina d'Ampezzo (Italy)Price: $3,028 per sq. ft.What you get for $1.5 million: 1 bedroomAnnual price change: 22%

The Northern Italian resort town is a popular second-home destination for ski buffs and Milan's business elite. Prices for prime European vacation homes have benefited from the growth of the world's population of high-net-worth individuals.
8. Portofino (Italy)Price: $2,692 per sq. ft.What you get for $1.5 million: 1 bedroomAnnual price change: 14%
Although there's no beach, the harbor of this resort village on the Italian Riviera is packed with yachts owned by the world's rich and famous. The village is about 20 miles from the Genoa airport.
9. Singapore Price: $2,423 per sq. ft.What you get for $1.5 million: 1 bedroomAnnual price change: 31%
The city's high-end real estate has benefited from an influx of foreign buyers and has been particularly strong close to the Orchard Road shopping area and on the island resort of Sentosa.
10. Tokyo Price: $2,334 per sq. ft.What you get for $1.5 million: 1 bedroomAnnual price change: N/A

Despite traditionally astronomical prices and cramped living conditions for all but the very wealthiest, Tokyo's market is beginning to slow as a result of the credit crunch and a heavy supply of new condos that have recently come on the market.
Posted by AriStar at 2:22 PM 0 comments