I feel and look like complete shit, and I hate taking medicine so that is out of the question, and the Doctor is a definite negative. I don't do doctor's! All I can do is just sit here and suck it up...but damn I feel like shit!
Wednesday, April 30
At work SICK...
I feel and look like complete shit, and I hate taking medicine so that is out of the question, and the Doctor is a definite negative. I don't do doctor's! All I can do is just sit here and suck it up...but damn I feel like shit!
Posted by AriStar at 2:39 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 28
What Is A Hater?
A hater is someone who is jealous and envious and spends all their time trying to make you look small so they can look tall. They are very negative people to say the least. Nothing is ever good enough!
When you make your mark, you will always attract some haters...That's why you have to be careful with whom you share your blessings and your dreams, because some folk can't handle seeing you blessed... It's dangerous to be like somebody else... If God wanted you to be like somebody else, He would have given you what He gave them! Right?
You never know what people have gone through to get what they have...The problem I have with haters is that they see my glory, but they don't know my story...
If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, you can rest assured that the water bill is higher there too!
We've all got some haters among us! Some people envy you because you can:
* Light up a room when you walk in
* Start your own business
* Tell a man / woman to hit the curb (if he / she isn't about the right thing)
* Raise your children without both parents being in the home
* Haters can't stand to see you happy
* Haters will never want to see you succeed
* Haters never want you to get the victory
Most of our haters are people who are supposed to be on our side. How do you handle your undercover haters?
You can handle these haters by:
1. *Knowing who you are & who your true friends are *(VERY IMPORTANT!!)
2. *Having a purpose to your life
3. * Purpose does not mean having a job. You can have a job and still be unfulfilled. A purpose is having a clear sense of what you want to be. Your purpose is not defined by what others think about you.
4. *By remembering what you have is by divine prerogative and not human manipulation.
Fulfill your dreams! You only have one life to live...when its your time to leave this earth, you "want" to be able to say, "I've lived my life and fulfilled "my" dreams,... Now I'm ready to go HOME!
Tell your haters, "Don't look at me...Look at Who is in charge of me..."
Pass this to all of your family & friends who you know are not hating on you including the person who sent it to you. If you don't get it back, maybe you called somebody out! Don't worry about it, it's not your problem, it's theirs..
Just pray for them, that their life can be as fulfilled as
Watch out for Haters....................BUT most of all don't become a HATER!
Laugh Out Loud Everyday...
Posted by AriStar at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Wild Weekend:)
Friday was off the chain! My gurlz and I decided to go to Adams Morgan and act a fool! First we decided there were entirely too many people to try to fit into one car, so we all got on the train. We were drunk of course so my homegurlz start dancing and acting crazy. Dancing on poles and what not! Then we had to walk blocks away just to get to our destination. There were people everywhere so we were just walking and talking and being stalked because of we are hot of course...lmfao! So we finally get to the club and I see this Bitch that I can't stand and she looked all scared and shit so I decided to be nice so I just ignored her and had a good time. I didn't want to start no shit. So we were all having a good time and shit when I notcied one of my homegurlz was really annoyed. So I kept asking her what was wrong but she said nothing, so I went on about my business. The next thing I know she is yelling at some girl who bumped into her. So I immediately jumped in between the two so that there would be no fighting. Of course all of the yelling did not help the situation, because as soon as my other homegurlz realized what was going on they came over and started going off! The next thing I know there is a big brawl in the middle of the dance floor. There are niggas trying to hold us all back and niggas trying to hold them back. Security finally comes over and talks to me and I told them that the other gurlz started it and it was not our fault; I was lying threw my teeth! My homegurl clearly started the whole thing! So they immediately kick the other gurlz out! lmao After all the nonsense we started partying and laughing at the situation! The shit was crazy! Then we realized that one of our homegurlz was MIA. We get outside and she is walking around looking all crazy, come to find out she had gotten into a fight on the other side of the club and got kicked out! I could not stop laughing because we had been looking for her skinny ass for hours and she was drunk telling us about the fight she got in and we are telling her about the fight we got in! The shit was crazy!!!
Then my other homegurl, her boyfriend and his friends got into a fight so we left them because we had to get on the train and get back to our cars so we wouldn't be stranded in Adams Morgan. Overall I had one hell of a night on Friday!
Saturday my homegurl came down and we played some drinking games then went to Ibiza and the weather sucked ass! It was raining all night and it was cold! Then we get inside and there are nothing but drunk ass Spanish gurls. The music was great but there were no dudes there. So everywhere we looked we saw dumb drunk girls. The music was great but the crowd sucked, we were so confused so we left. It didn't matter that the club sucked because overall we had a good time. We did a lot of catching up and gossiping lololol. It had been a while since we had chilled together so I was really excited to see her, we even made a promise that we wouldn't wait a whole year to chill with each other again...lmfao
Sunday was really chill. Everyone was tired and no one felt like doing shit! We stayed in bed until like noon the next day. Then my homies I hadn't seen in months came over and of course we chilled and smoked our lives away. Overall this was probably one of the best weekends I've had in a while!
Posted by AriStar at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 25

Posted by AriStar at 11:23 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 24
Bring Your Kids To Work Day
OK so I didn't know that bring your kids to work day still existed until my boss brought his two kids to work today. I personally am not a big fan of kids but his kids are cute, and they seemed very interested in what I do. So I showed them around the office and explained everything I do. Then I made them a schedule so that they could go around the whole office and get information from each department, which was a great idea because that kept them busy and kept them from driving everyone in the office crazy! Overall it was actually fun entertaining them and it made my day go by faster because it is almost lunch time and I'm starving! I can't wait to eat!!!! I have this big ass custom made sub, and sour cream and onion chips! My mouth is watering just thinking about it! Today is yet another BEAUTIFUL day outside and I can't wait to get off!!!!!
Last night the Lakers SMASHED the Nuggets 122-107 once again so we are now 2-0. I'm so excited about the Lakers finally making it to the Playoffs! Its been a long time and its much overdo! Like I said the other day we will be winning the championship and KOBE will be MVP!!!!!
Posted by AriStar at 11:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 23
Administrative Professionals Day
So I found out the other day that today is Administrative Professionals Day. I guess its always been around and I just didn't know, because for the first time I was recognized for it, and I must say I'm excited about it! My Boss took myself, and two of my other co-workers out for lunch and gave us $50.00 gift cards! I will admit I always thought my boss hated me but I guess he can't hate me that much if he has started celebrating a Holiday that this company never celebrated before. I guess I should start taking my job a little more serious, and its not that I don't like the job but it does get very boring. I sit here all day everyday with nothing to do most of the time. Oh yeah, and I answer the phones lololol. I ask people if they need help from time to time and I coordinate all the company functions but they only happen once every so often. I also coordinate all travel plans for everyone in the company but its not like they need plans everyday. Its a small company and its growing so hopefully some new positions will open up. Or maybe they can give me more responsibilities....IDK?? I just know I need something to do other than writing blogs all day everyday lmao; but I do love writing blogs!
Today is a beautiful day outside too. Its nice and hot and I can seriously smell Summer! I'm so happy its finally getting hot because I can't take this cold weather and rain anymore. Its getting sicking lmao. Plus I love how golden I get when I'm tan...right now I'm seriously Yellow...yuck!I'm probably gonna go to Rita's when I get off and enjoy the weather outside with Remi! I can't freakin wait:)
Posted by AriStar at 3:02 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 21
Lakers in the Playoffs!
I am a Lakers fanatic and I'm so excited about the Lakers smashing the Nuggets yesterday! We are in the playoffs and nothing is going to stop us! KOBE its your time to shine...can we say MVP!!!! And yes, we will be taking that beautiful ring home this year!!! GO LAKERS!!!!
Posted by AriStar at 1:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 20
Oldest Woman On Earth
SHELBYVILLE, Ind. - Maybe it was a lifetime of chores on the family farm that accounts for Edna Parker's long life. Or maybe just good genes explain why the world's oldest known person will turn 115 on Sunday, defying staggering odds.
Scientists who study longevity hope Parker and others who live to 110 or beyond — they're called supercentenarians — can help solve the mystery of extreme longevity.
"We don't know why she's lived so long," said Don Parker, her 59-year-old grandson. "But she's never been a worrier and she's always been a thin person, so maybe that has something to do with it."
On Friday, Edna Parker laughed and smiled as relatives and guests released 115 balloons into sunny skies outside her nursing home. Dressed in pearls, a blue and white polka dot dress and new white shoes, she clutched a red rose during the festivities.
Two years ago, researchers from the New England Centenarian Study at Boston University took a blood sample from Parker for the group's DNA database of supercentenarians.
Her DNA is now preserved with samples of about 100 other people who made the 110-year milestone and whose genes are being analyzed, said Dr. Tom Perls, an aging specialist who directs the project.
"They're really our best bet for finding the elusive Holy Grail of our field — which are these longevity-enabling genes," he said.
Only 75 living people — 64 women and 11 men — are 110 or older, according to the Gerontology Research Group of Inglewood, Calif., which verifies reports of extreme ages.
Parker, who was born April 20, 1893, was recognized by Guinness World Records as the oldest of that group last August after the death of a Japanese woman four months her senior.
A widow since her husband, Earl, died in 1938 of a heart attack, Parker lived alone in their farmhouse until age 100, when she moved into her son Clifford's home. She cheated death a few months later.
One winter night, Clifford and his wife returned home from a high school basketball game to find her missing. Don, their son, says he discovered his grandmother in the snowy darkness near the farm's apple orchard. He scooped up her rigid body and rushed back to the house.
"She was stiff as a 2-by-4. We really thought that was the end of her," he said.
But Parker recovered fully, suffering only frostbitten fingertips.
Fifteen years later, her room at the Heritage House Convalescent Center in Shelbyville, Ind., about 25 miles southeast of Indianapolis, is adorned with teddy bears and photos of her five grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and 13 great-great grandchildren. She's outlived her two sons, Clifford and Earl Jr.
During a visit this week, Parker was captivated by a new album of photos and documents from her life that Don's wife, Charlene, had assembled.
"That's the boys," she said hoarsely, tapping a photo of her two late sons in their youth. "Clifford and Junior."
Her two sisters also are deceased. Georgia lived to be 99, while her sister Opal was 88 when she died.
Parker's long-lived sisters are typical of other centenarians, according to Dr. Nir Barzilai, director of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine's Institute for Aging Research in New York. Nearly all of them have a sister, mother or other relative who lived a long life, he said.
"Longevity is in the family history," Barzilai said.
He and other scientists have found several genetic mutations in centenarians that may play a role in either slowing the aging process or boosting resistance to age-related diseases.
Perls said the secret to a long life is now believed to be a mix of genetics and environmental factors such as health habits. He said his research on about 1,500 centenarians hints at another factor that may protect people from illnesses such as heart attacks and stroke — they appear not to dwell on stressful events.
"They seem to manage their stress better than the rest of us," he said.
Posted by AriStar at 12:58 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 19
I found out today that my great aunt Emmanel is in the hosiptal. She had a stroke. I don't know what to do with myself right now because I don't want to loose her. I know that it may be her time but I just can't stand to have to burry someone. Just writing this blog makes me want to cry. I hate the fact that there is nothing that I can do to make her better. I hate the fact that I'm so far away from her, and that if these are her last days that I won't be there. why did I have to get this news today...
Posted by AriStar at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 18

I had Rita's Icecream for the first time yesterday and I must say I'm impressed! I kept wondering what all the fuss was about and why every time I drove past there was a long line of people. Well I know now. I had a Blueberry Blendi and I was in heaven:) For those of you wondering what a Blendi is-A Blendini is a combination of Rita's Frozen Custard, with either crushed Oreo® Cookie pieces or Nilla Wafer pieces and Rita's famous Italian/Cream Ice blended together into a delicious frozen treat you eat with a spoon! It had my mouth watering and I finished it in a matter or minutes. I'm not gonna lie I was sceptical at first about trying blueberry icecream but I figured a Rita's associate wouldn't steer me wrong. Plus the girl told me she had tried everything and that was her favorite! So i gave it a try and I have absolutely no complaints! Rita's is my new hot spot for the summer!
Posted by AriStar at 2:27 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 17
Spring Is Here But Summer Needs To Hurry Up!
Posted by AriStar at 2:11 PM 0 comments
I Hate You...
I have deleted you once from my contacts and I deleted you again the other day, but this time its for good. Just do me this one last favor and delete me as well and never speak to me or of me again. No need for one of your petty as blogs because you said you didn't want to discuss anything so just end it here with this good bye and GO KICK ROCKS IN THE PARKING LOT. I'm done with you!
Thank you and have a nice Life:)
Posted by AriStar at 12:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 16
For whatever reason I Love Lil Wayne. No I don't think he is sexy cuz the nigga aint NO bigger than me, NO I don't wanna fuck him and NO I don't have dreams about him. But I absolutely LOVE this guy. I can honestly say he is the one star I would love to meet and chill with. I would love to smoke a j with him, get drunk and party with him. I would even consider getting tatted up with him and there are few people that I would do that with. I can relate to almost everything he raps about from being high to having sex. When I hear certain songs I go into a trance like state of mind and I don't hear shit but him! I love his cocky but too cool for school style. He has conquered the industry in every aspect and has it on lock! He has everyone from rappers, r&b artist, to your everyday man and woman wanting to be just like him. Every time you turn on videos he is on, every magazine you look at he is in. Every time you turn the radio on you hear him, whether its his song or just a verse he threw on a track. I'm waiting for him to get a reality show and start doing commercials because more than likely he will! Bottom line is Lil Wayne is that Nigga right now and I don't think anyone is gonna take his spot anytime soon. He even got mofos calling him the best rapper alive! I'm not saying he is not but there are a few rappers alive that could go at it with him.
Posted by AriStar at 3:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 15
Carrots, Eggs & Coffee
- The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak.
- The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened.
- The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.
- Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?
- Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart?
- Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you.
May we all be COFFEE!!!!!!!
Posted by AriStar at 9:55 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 14
Trojan Vibrating Ring
I'm not usually one who uses sex toys or anything for sexual enhancement, but yesterday Greg went to get some condoms and picked up the wrong box. Instead he got a Trojan Vibrating Ring and when I saw it I was confused at first but I was like we should try it(He was gonna throw it away but I insisted that we try it.) I must admit I loved that thing. I was in heaven and so was he. WOWWWWW. lmao! Just thinking about it makes me wanna go home and have sex right now! We slept good and woke up very happy:)
Posted by AriStar at 3:23 PM 0 comments
Loving Life
While driving to DC yesterday I did a little recap of my life and I must say I'm happy with the road my life is going down. I'm drama free, I have all kinds of projects coming up and I have my wonderful family and friends by my side. So I told myself I don't need anyone from my past because if they were true they would still fuck with me no matter what and I don't need to beat myself up over anything that happened in the past either cuz what's done is done, and I have no regrets! I know I have evil thoughts sometimes and I know at times I can be a Bitch but I have come to the conclusion that we all do, some of us a little more than others, lololol.
I have started taking my religion a lot more serious and I will admit it has helped me. I used to have crazy blackouts at random times but they finally stopped, I even sleep through a whole night. I have finally made peace with myself and I'm very content with my life. I have always loved myself but I don't think I believed in myself. I stopped blaming my dad for the divorce and I even forgave my uncle whom for the longest time I hated. I cut out people who I think were no good for me and I am stronger than ever and nothing will hold me back from my goals and dreams.
Posted by AriStar at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 12
Late Night Blogging
For once in my life I'm in the house on a Saturday and I'm bored as ever! Why am I sitting in the house? I guess its because I'm still tired from partying so hard these past couple of days. I've been lounging around the house all day and I just don't feel like doing much so I decided to write a blog. I don't really have to much to say but there are a bunch of random things on my mind. So I'll start with the fact that my besti is coming to visit me in May and I can't wait! I've been through a lot of shit as far as friends go and it feels good to know that I still have a few close ones. Plus I have not seen her in a minute and I miss her!
I can't wait for the summer! Its gonna be a good one! I got all kinds of trips planned out! I'm going to Black Bike Week, In Myrtle Beach, SC in May...that is gonna be ridiculous! Then I have a family reunion in Columbia, SC which will be held on July 4th. I will be going to see my other Besti, Brother and Grandfather in NC sometime in June, plus I will be going back to Vegas...I can't wait! My summer is gonna be off the chain! Not to mention the fashion shows, photo shoots, and promotions I have coming up!!!!
I miss my mom...I really wish that my dad had been the one to move to ATL and not my mom, but what's done is done. I know we didn't get along too much when I was younger but it was only because she never let me do shit! But now that I'm grown and I look back and I'm like damn I was a fuck up...all she wanted to do was make sure I didn't end up like a lot of these loser mofos around here ended up which is pregnant, loser, no high school diploma. I don't regret anything I ever did but I do wish me and my mom were closer.
Sometimes I sit and wish I was a kid again, no worries in the world and your only job is to go to school and do good! I feel like my childhood was rushed and I had to grow up so fast! There are a lot of things I kinda wish I had done but when I sit and think about I'm like if it were meant for me to do it then I would have done it. I also wonder where my life is gonna take me, I know I'm not supposed to know but it would be nice to have a sneak peek into the future to see what's in store for me. Well I have went on long enough with my random thoughts...guess I'm gonna watch a movie until I fall asleep...goodnight:)
Posted by AriStar at 11:51 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 11
Floyd's and Blue Motorcycles
Damn I'm tired and I don't feel good...
I decided to co-host a party last night at Floyd's; its a lounge/bar...with pool tables and a dance floor [its actually a really nice spot...i may have to have a party there] and it was so weak that I drank entirely too much! Yes for the first time in a long time I got sick from drinking...lmao...now I'm sitting here at work blown and sick! I wanna go home sooooo bad and lay in my bed! I know that's not gonna happen though because its Friday and you already know I'm partying tonight! I'm probably gonna go home and at least try to take a nap. Even though that joint was weak I still had fun, my co-host got the crowd all excited and I was rockin like shit to the music! I think blue motorcycles are gonna be my new favorite drink cuz I was Ripped...they taste so good that's probably why I had so many and that's probably why I don't feel good...hahahahahaa:) Overall I had a good time and I can't wait to do it again!
For those of you who have never had it...here is the receipe.
1 oz vodka
1 oz rum
1 oz gin
1 oz Blue Curacao liqueur
fill with Sprite® soda
Fill glass with ice, add the ingredients, shake and serve.
Posted by AriStar at 3:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 10
Sex Addict
I think I need help...for whatever reason sex is always on my mind! I don't know why and I can't help but think about it. My mind is so vivid that I sometimes feel like I'm there...having sex...wild right! I know. Is it because sex is the #1 seller in America or do I just have a perverted mind? I like to try all kinds of toys and positions and I can definitely say that I don't have any complaints in the sex department. lololol.

Posted by AriStar at 12:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 9
Dear Daddy...
I do love you but I hate you at the same time! Why did you have to leave, why couldn't it be worked out? Were you cheating on mom or was she tripping like she usually is? Why aren't you here for me and Tai? Why, why, why???? We were so close at one point and now we don't talk at all. I know you have made numerous efforts to make things right between us, but I can honestly say things will never be the same between us and I don't care. I know I'm a grown ass woman but it hurts Dad...it hurts that at one point I was a daddy's girl and now we don't talk.
I hate you for treating mom the way you did, I hate you for walking out on them, I hate you for not being a man and taking care of your responsibilities. I hate you for never sticking up for me when mom took it to a whole new level. I hate you for all the broken promises, but most of all I hate you for not being there when Tai and I needed you the most!
It all started when you got rid of Rufus...I know it sounds dumb but that is when our relationship went down hill. How could you take something from me that you know meant soooo much to me and not care?? How could you look me in the face knowing you got rid of something so close to my heart...and you did it with no emotion or concern for how I felt. You didn't even tell me...
You were never there for me in high school...I know I was a fuck up but damn dad sometimes all I wanted to do was have a little fun and even when you knew from the bottom of your heart that mom was wrong you still sat there and did nothing. You watched me get put on punishment for weeks at a time for the stupidest shit! for example: coming in the house literally 5mins late! I'm past all of that now...but I just don't get it, I don't understand why you never had a say so in anything I did. There were so many things I wanted to do, and you just let mom shoot my dreams right down the drain!
I want to make things right but I can't! My mind tells me to get over because people get divorced everyday but my heart says No don't forgive him! The nigga was wrong in every aspect. Hopefully I will overcome this hatred for you but until then I cannot speak to you or see you because its just not the same.
I Love You Dad....
Posted by AriStar at 3:50 PM 0 comments
Pure Evil
Posted by AriStar at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 7
Weekend Recap
My weekend was the best! I had so much fun and i must admit it was nice to see my high school buddies ! We drank good, ate good and danced the night away. That was the first all nighter I've pulled in a while! And let me tell you, i made the cd's and screwed them all up! lololol...i sat behind this computer for hours making those cd's and I still managed to screw them up! I had music on them that I didn't even know...heheheheehe:0) Then Roni made this good long island ice tea; which was her own concoction, and I had vodka and orange juice so I was in the ZONE!
The party was so crazy that Roni's neighbor John came over to party and I'm sure it was the best night of his life( look at the pictures!) There was no fighting and no one in the building called the police suprisingly! I also wanna say that I enjoyed being wit Dee, cuz that's how it used to be between us, we used to do that shit every weekend, we used to just get fucked up, take dumb ass pictures, gossip and have a good ass time! i dunno what happend, and I know this will probably never be the same but I do love ya Bitch and I hope we can keep all the bullshit behind us and chill more often but if not just know I'm still here:) Overall we had a great time! and I'm gonna plan the next party at my place! we all came to the conclusion that we should have a function at least once a month! But there is no place like home and i was more than happy to come home and recover...chill with my baby Greg and my baby Remi! My weekend was wonderful!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by AriStar at 7:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 4
Posted by AriStar at 2:48 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 3
Dave wuz here!
I was more than excited when my brother finally got here yesterday! I was so sad to see him go today and I miss him already. We did a lot of catching up last night, and we had a lot of fun. My other brother even had to come thru and show Dave some love! and a word of advice; NEVER ORDER FROM MAGAINO'S WHEN YOU AREN'T SOBER!!!!! We managed to order $50 worth of food last night for 4 people...WTF?? lmao...and it was good! But when I woke up this morning I was like I can't believe I did that dumb shit...hehehehehe=0] We stayed up drinking, watching movies and acting dumb until we all fell asleep in the living room. I woke up at like 3am like damn I need to take my happy ass to sleep, I gotta go to work in the morning...lolol!
And of course I snapped some pictures!!! He wouldn't cooperate so they are pretty shitty...he looks retard but he's not.lolol...and for whatever reason I look fat as hell but whatever...lol
Posted by AriStar at 2:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 2
Today Has Been A Good Day
For the first time in a couple of months I finally talked to my brother Dave! I'm so excited! I missed him so much! It was like he disappeared off the face of the Earth. He may not be my real brother but we are close like we are. We met a while back in College and immediately clicked! He is my down ass nigga! But unfortunately he had to go back to VA where he is originally from. We had some of the best times together and he has always been there for me! It was even to the point where if I was cooking I would call him to see if he was coming over to make sure i had a plate saved for him! We even thought about moving in together but some things happened and shit changed...
Besides that today was the big Managers meeting at my job and my role in it was to make sure breakfast and lunch were served and on time. In other words my job was to cater to everyone. Everything went well, everyone ate and everyone is full! No one had any complaints and I'm happy...it actually was not as bad as I thought it would be and it kept my Boss busy for most of the day...thank god! The day is pretty much over and now I'm sitting here wishing I was outside because its nice as hell and I can't wait for my brother to get here!!!!!! The anticipation is killing me!!!!
I've been sitting here thinking about recent events that have occurred and I can't seem to get over them...its funny to me how people can take the smallest things to a whole new level! My name is on Fire right now and I can't seem to stay off people's minds, its just crazy. I hate for people to speak of me in a bad way and I hate for people to say that I said this and I said that. I'm not scared of anyone, so I have no problem admitting to something I said or did. So, if you feel like I'm being two-faced or whatever your issue is please just address it with me. I don't understand or know where people get their information from because I don't talk to anyone that I used to talk to anymore with the exception of maybe a handful of people. I don't even have time to gossip. I'm either at work, at home or in DC either partying or modeling. Most of the friends I have made over the past couple of months don't know anyone from around here and don't associate with anyone from around here so I just don't get it. Not only that, they are all grown ass woman and men with bigger and better issues to deal with, and I clearly don't talk to 95% of the people I used to talk to so I'm baffled by the whole situation. I will admit I love knowing that hoes can't stop thinking of me but the gossip is getting old. All I want to do is succeed and live a successful life, I don't care what others think, do or say. I may be an asshole but hey that's just me...love it or exit stage left. I try my hardest to be nice to people and not start any shit but every time I let my guard down for a second some dumb bitch comes along thinking she or he knows something when in all actuality they don't know a fucking thing. So I ask myself why? Why do you care about me? Is it because you want me, do you wanna be me? do you wish you had my life, because I guarantee if you tried walking in my shoes for a day you would fail! So, what is the problem? I still have not found a valid answer for my question, but I will continue to search for one. I can almost guarantee as soon as this blog is posted, someone will turn my words into something completely off topic. But I don't care, I don't care if you don't like me, what you say about me or what you think of me. I am me and that is something you can't and will never be! Now run and tell that!
Posted by AriStar at 3:15 PM 0 comments