Monday, April 28

Wild Weekend:)

Friday was off the chain! My gurlz and I decided to go to Adams Morgan and act a fool! First we decided there were entirely too many people to try to fit into one car, so we all got on the train. We were drunk of course so my homegurlz start dancing and acting crazy. Dancing on poles and what not! Then we had to walk blocks away just to get to our destination. There were people everywhere so we were just walking and talking and being stalked because of we are hot of course...lmfao! So we finally get to the club and I see this Bitch that I can't stand and she looked all scared and shit so I decided to be nice so I just ignored her and had a good time. I didn't want to start no shit. So we were all having a good time and shit when I notcied one of my homegurlz was really annoyed. So I kept asking her what was wrong but she said nothing, so I went on about my business. The next thing I know she is yelling at some girl who bumped into her. So I immediately jumped in between the two so that there would be no fighting. Of course all of the yelling did not help the situation, because as soon as my other homegurlz realized what was going on they came over and started going off! The next thing I know there is a big brawl in the middle of the dance floor. There are niggas trying to hold us all back and niggas trying to hold them back. Security finally comes over and talks to me and I told them that the other gurlz started it and it was not our fault; I was lying threw my teeth! My homegurl clearly started the whole thing! So they immediately kick the other gurlz out! lmao After all the nonsense we started partying and laughing at the situation! The shit was crazy! Then we realized that one of our homegurlz was MIA. We get outside and she is walking around looking all crazy, come to find out she had gotten into a fight on the other side of the club and got kicked out! I could not stop laughing because we had been looking for her skinny ass for hours and she was drunk telling us about the fight she got in and we are telling her about the fight we got in! The shit was crazy!!!
Then my other homegurl, her boyfriend and his friends got into a fight so we left them because we had to get on the train and get back to our cars so we wouldn't be stranded in Adams Morgan. Overall I had one hell of a night on Friday!
Saturday my homegurl came down and we played some drinking games then went to Ibiza and the weather sucked ass! It was raining all night and it was cold! Then we get inside and there are nothing but drunk ass Spanish gurls. The music was great but there were no dudes there. So everywhere we looked we saw dumb drunk girls. The music was great but the crowd sucked, we were so confused so we left. It didn't matter that the club sucked because overall we had a good time. We did a lot of catching up and gossiping lololol. It had been a while since we had chilled together so I was really excited to see her, we even made a promise that we wouldn't wait a whole year to chill with each other again...lmfao
Sunday was really chill. Everyone was tired and no one felt like doing shit! We stayed in bed until like noon the next day. Then my homies I hadn't seen in months came over and of course we chilled and smoked our lives away. Overall this was probably one of the best weekends I've had in a while!