Wednesday, April 9

Pure Evil

I am convinced that my body has been taking over by some type of evil not the Devil or a Demon cuz I don't believe in that but I do believe some people are just evil; and I think I have become one of those people. I don't wish evil or bad things on people but when something happens to someone I hate no matter how bad the situation is I have absolutely no remorse for them and I just may giggle about it. I know this sounds wrong but why should I care? I mean is it wrong for me to happy because someone I can't stand is hurting? Is it wrong for me to hope something else bad happens. Sometimes I feel bad for being so evil but most of the time I don't take people's emotions into consideration. I used to be emotionally unstable, crying if something happened or if someone did something to me, but now I have a fuck you pay me type attitude. I don't care how you feel, what you think, or say. I don't know if my attitude is like this because of the absence of my grandmother or if its because my parents are divorced. Maybe its because my dad is not there for me and my sister like he should be, maybe its becasue I've been through a lot of shit or maybe its because of my childhood. I don't know, but I do know its getting bad. Its getting to the point where something evil is always on my mind. I have thought about getting revenge on those who have done something to me in the past and just overall fucking their whole life up but I figured karma is a bitch and she always comes around when you least expect it! So I ask myself where do these evil thoughts come from and why do I take such pleasure in them?? These evil thoughts come from my soul; they come from the evil lurking deep within me; the evil that is dying to come out! Its crazy but I'm scared because I don't know what I'm capable of, but I do know that this evil presence in me wants to be released...