I do love you but I hate you at the same time! Why did you have to leave, why couldn't it be worked out? Were you cheating on mom or was she tripping like she usually is? Why aren't you here for me and Tai? Why, why, why???? We were so close at one point and now we don't talk at all. I know you have made numerous efforts to make things right between us, but I can honestly say things will never be the same between us and I don't care. I know I'm a grown ass woman but it hurts Dad...it hurts that at one point I was a daddy's girl and now we don't talk.
I hate you for treating mom the way you did, I hate you for walking out on them, I hate you for not being a man and taking care of your responsibilities. I hate you for never sticking up for me when mom took it to a whole new level. I hate you for all the broken promises, but most of all I hate you for not being there when Tai and I needed you the most!
It all started when you got rid of Rufus...I know it sounds dumb but that is when our relationship went down hill. How could you take something from me that you know meant soooo much to me and not care?? How could you look me in the face knowing you got rid of something so close to my heart...and you did it with no emotion or concern for how I felt. You didn't even tell me...
You were never there for me in high school...I know I was a fuck up but damn dad sometimes all I wanted to do was have a little fun and even when you knew from the bottom of your heart that mom was wrong you still sat there and did nothing. You watched me get put on punishment for weeks at a time for the stupidest shit! for example: coming in the house literally 5mins late! I'm past all of that now...but I just don't get it, I don't understand why you never had a say so in anything I did. There were so many things I wanted to do, and you just let mom shoot my dreams right down the drain!
I want to make things right but I can't! My mind tells me to get over because people get divorced everyday but my heart says No don't forgive him! The nigga was wrong in every aspect. Hopefully I will overcome this hatred for you but until then I cannot speak to you or see you because its just not the same.
I Love You Dad....
Hello, it's me.
9 years ago
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