Wednesday, April 23

Administrative Professionals Day

So I found out the other day that today is Administrative Professionals Day. I guess its always been around and I just didn't know, because for the first time I was recognized for it, and I must say I'm excited about it! My Boss took myself, and two of my other co-workers out for lunch and gave us $50.00 gift cards! I will admit I always thought my boss hated me but I guess he can't hate me that much if he has started celebrating a Holiday that this company never celebrated before. I guess I should start taking my job a little more serious, and its not that I don't like the job but it does get very boring. I sit here all day everyday with nothing to do most of the time. Oh yeah, and I answer the phones lololol. I ask people if they need help from time to time and I coordinate all the company functions but they only happen once every so often. I also coordinate all travel plans for everyone in the company but its not like they need plans everyday. Its a small company and its growing so hopefully some new positions will open up. Or maybe they can give me more responsibilities....IDK?? I just know I need something to do other than writing blogs all day everyday lmao; but I do love writing blogs!
Today is a beautiful day outside too. Its nice and hot and I can seriously smell Summer! I'm so happy its finally getting hot because I can't take this cold weather and rain anymore. Its getting sicking lmao. Plus I love how golden I get when I'm tan...right now I'm seriously Yellow...yuck!I'm probably gonna go to Rita's when I get off and enjoy the weather outside with Remi! I can't freakin wait:)